English articles

Badoo Fukura, 28, stands at the bottom of a basin that used to be the community watering hole. It served about 30 different families here, near the small town of Aje, south of the capital Addis Ababa (Photo USAid - Flickr)

The triple injustice against the Global South

"To guarantee the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right, ecocide must be recognized as a crime against peace under international law. This would also be the most effective push-back policy to curb the alleged influx …

Peter Emorinken-Donatus

Peter Emorinken-DonatusGiornalista

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Ogni sabato la raccolta degli articoli della settimana, per non perdere neanche una notizia. 

Ogni prima domenica del mese un approfondimento speciale, per saperne di più e stupire gli amici al bar

Ogni terza domenica del mese, CapoMondi, la rassegna stampa estera a cura di Libera Internazionale