English articles

Lavialibera is a bimonthly magazine that offers news and insights on mafias, corruption, the environment, and migration. Lavialibera was founded in 2019 by two Italian associations, Libera and Gruppo Abele, both created by don Luigi Ciotti, and it inherits the thirty-year experience of the monthly magazine Narcomafie, founded in 1993 after the mafia massacres in Sicily. 

Lavialibera is a partner of Kompreno, the European startup that wants to make quality journalism accessible by removing language barriers.

The Rapido 904: A Hidden Wound on the Italian Republic

The Rapido 904: A Hidden Wound on the Italian Republic

On 23 December 1984, an explosion on the Naples-Milan train killed 16 people. Justice has condemned Cosa Nostra and ascertained the responsibilities of other 'strong powers', whose identities are still unnamed

Marco Panzarella

Marco PanzarellaRedattore lavialibera

(Photo by Hameed Maarouf from Unhcr)

Syria, refugees in limbo: 'We want to come back, but it's too soon'

While the post-Assad future in Syria is still uncertain, some European countries, including Italy, have suspended the examination of asylum applications and others, like Austria, are already thinking about repatriations. We spoke to some exiles: "Of …

Paolo Valenti

Paolo ValentiRedattore lavialibera

Beijing, July 27, 2024. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni upon her arrival at Beijing airport (Photo governo.it)

The historical revisionism of Giorgia Meloni

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has never declared herself anti-fascist and even on the anniversary of the Bologna massacre she failed to acknowledge the responsibility of the extreme right. On the anniversary of Piazza Fontana she has not yet made a …

Rosy Bindi

Rosy BindiEx ministra, presidente Commissione antimafia nella XVII legislatura

Vienna, 9 December 2016. Representatives of Vienna-based international organisations unveil the sculpture for the Anti-corruption Excellence Award ceremony with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar

World Anti-Corruption Day: the best way not to stamp out bribery

Every year, the World Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated in luxurious convention halls, with the participation of the same elites who loot public resources

Alberto Vannucci

Alberto VannucciProfessore di Scienza politica, Università di Pisa

@Dayna Wilkinson / Unsplash

The Italian Government cancels the work against gambling addiction

With the Budget Law 2025, the fund against gambling addiction and the observatory, instruments to stem the damage of an increasingly large market, made up of virtual betting, poker with cash payments, online casinos, extended concessions and more …

Maurizio Fiasco

Maurizio FiascoSociologo, esperto di azzardo e dipendenze

Informarsi è un gesto radicale

Fatti, numeri, storie, inchieste, opinioni, reportage.
Per rimettere in gioco un futuro che sembra già scritto

La newsletter de lavialibera

Ogni sabato la raccolta degli articoli della settimana, per non perdere neanche una notizia. 

Ogni prima domenica del mese un approfondimento speciale, per saperne di più e stupire gli amici al bar

Ogni terza domenica del mese, CapoMondi, la rassegna stampa estera a cura di Libera Internazionale