English articles

A portrait of the Italian judge Rosario Livatino, killed by gangster of the Stidda, a criminal organization in Central-Southern Sicily

In Sicily, the stidda never dies. And now it is reorganising itself

The new arrest of 74-year-old Antonio Maira proves that the stidda is healthy, does not retreat and wants to evolve. In 1990 the mafioso was sentenced by Judge Rosario Livatino to 22 years and that sentence decreed the death of the magistrate

Toni Mira

Toni MiraGiornalista e componente del comitato scientifico de lavialibera

July 19, 1992, in via D'Amelio, in Palermo, a car packed with explosives explodes upon the arrival of the deputy prosecutor Paolo Borsellino and his escort (Source: Wikipedia)

The Anti-Mafia Commission attempts to shed light on the killing of Paolo Borsellino

Hours and hours of hearings, hundreds of pages of reports, little news. The anti-mafia commission chaired by Chiara Colosimo wants to answer the questions of Paolo Borsellino's sons. The version offered so far by their lawyer Trizzino traces that of …

Andrea Giambartolomei

Andrea GiambartolomeiRedattore lavialibera

Polsi (Reggio Calabria), 2 September 2010. The procession towards the sanctuary of the Madonna di Polsi, in the centre of Aspromonte, often used as a pretext for meetings of the 'ndrangheta leadership Franco Cufari/Ansa

The Sanctuary of Polsi was used for 'ndrangheta summits. Pilgrims can fuel civic rebirth in Calabria

The caravans of the pilgrims to the sanctuary of the Madonna di Polsi, in Calabria, have often been associated with the summits of 'ndrangheta bosses. State and Church have reacted, but the places are abandoned. Pilgrimages can fuel an awareness

Anna Sergi

Anna SergiProfessoressa in Criminologia, University of Essex (Uk)

Latina, 25 June 2024. Demonstration of the Indian community of Latina against gangmastering for the death at work of Satnam Singh (Cesare Abbate/Ansa)

After the murder of a worker, against gangmastering in Latina justice has blunt weapons

Prior to the death of Satnam Singh and the arrest of his employer, Antonello Lovato, there were many complaints and investigations against the exploitation of labourers in Latina, but the criminal and labour justice system does not carry the load …

Graziella Di Mambro

Graziella Di MambroGiornalista

The Italian supreme court gives broader benefits to the families of innocent victims of mafias

The Italian supreme court gives broader benefits to the families of innocent victims of mafias

After years of battles, the Constitutional Court has declared illegitimate the rule that denies benefits to the families of victims of terrorism and organised crime who are related, up to the fourth degree, to persons convicted or involved in …

Marco Panzarella

Marco PanzarellaRedattore lavialibera

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