English articles

Palermo, December 2000. The court during the United Nations summit (Ansa)

A convention against transnational crime

Palermo had lived through difficult years, marked by a bloody Mafia war. The decision to hold the UNTOC Convention signing ceremony in Sicily's largest city offered an opportunity to clean up the city's image in the eyes of the world

Marco Panzarella

Marco PanzarellaRedattore lavialibera

12 December 2000. From left, the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations, Pino Arlacchi, the Secretary General Kofi Annan, the Mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando and Mrs. Nene Annan at the conference on transnational crime (Ansa)

The fight against transnational organized crime, an urgent matter

The United Nations Convention introduced in Palermo in 2000 marked a change of strategy in the fight against organized crime as it contained provisions to homogenize the worldwide repression of Mafia-type crimes

Marco Panzarella

Marco PanzarellaRedattore lavialibera

Juarez City (Mexico), 10 June 2022. Personnel of the Mexican Army destroy weapons within the 'Exchange of Arms' program to provide more security to the population (Luis Torres/Epa)

The Forgotten Weapons

Illegal weapons trafficking is still viewed as an isolated phenomenon and is often underestimated by governments, though its connections with other forms of crime are now proven

Simonetta Grassi

Simonetta GrassiResponsabile del Global Firearms Programme (UNODC)

Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico), 04 May 2021. A man is searched for weapons in a police surveillance operation. Clashes between at least nine drug cartels have plunged the State of Michoacán into a serious crisis (Ivan Villanueva/Epa)

The many interests surrounding drugs from Mexico

Criminal groups keep killing and making money because the demand for drugs is increasing, especially in the West. It is time to make consumers accountable

Anabel Hernandez

Anabel HernandezGiornalista investigativa messicana

Badoo Fukura, 28, stands at the bottom of a basin that used to be the community watering hole. It served about 30 different families here, near the small town of Aje, south of the capital Addis Ababa (Photo USAid - Flickr)

The triple injustice against the Global South

"To guarantee the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right, ecocide must be recognized as a crime against peace under international law. This would also be the most effective push-back policy to curb the alleged influx …

Peter Emorinken-Donatus

Peter Emorinken-DonatusGiornalista

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