English articles

A "Turet", the local fountain of Turin, in the main square of the Italian city, piazza Castello (Credits Francesco Marino // Flickr // CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

PFAS, thousands of people in Piedmont drank contaminated water, says Greenpeace

A new report by Greenpeace Italia denounces the presence of toxic compounds produced by Solvay Solexis also in the Turin area and other parts of Piedmont

Laura Fazzini

Laura FazziniGiornalista

Moscow, February 9, 2024. Vladimir Putin during the interview of the American journalist Tucker Carlson in the Kremlin (Credits EPA/Gavriil Grigorov/Sputnik/Kremlin pool mandatary credit)

Russian media in exile, the story of three journalists Putin does not want

Mikhail, Valeria and Roman work far from their country for newspapers that were blacklisted by the Kremlin after the invasion of Ukraine. They do not know when they will be able to return home, but in the meantime they continue to write about Moscow …

Camilla Consonni

Camilla ConsonniGiornalista

The former head of the armed forces and president of Guinea-Bissau, Antonio Indjai, in a 2012 photo. Photo by Andre Kosters/Epa (via Ansa)

Drug trafficking, the importance of Guinea-Bissau for the mafia

In 2021, a referent of the Italian mafia-type association 'ndrangheta met with the son of the former president of Guinea-Bissau. The country has renewed importance in drug trafficking from Latin America to Europe, thanks to "figures at the top of …

Rosita Rijtano

Rosita RijtanoGiornalista

(Venti Views/Unsplash)

The Italian antimafia association Libera sheds light on crime in ports: "Politics still timid"

Libera, the italian Anti-Mafia Association, has prepared "Diario di bordo," a study on the activities of criminal groups in Italian ports. Criminal gangs don't just do drug trafficking: focus on counterfeiting, smuggling and waste trafficking.

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A technical shoe made using Pfoa, a substance capable of waterproofing the fabric. Photo by Noel Oviedo/Unsplash

An IARC study confirms that PFOAs are carcinogenic and toxic

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has published a document confirming the hazardous nature of perfluorooctanoic acid, which is used as a waterproofing coating for technical sportswear, leather and paper, among other things

Laura Fazzini

Laura FazziniGiornalista

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