English articles

Rome, 2 June 2024. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the "Altare della Patria" during the Day of the Republic

Giorgia Meloni, 'one of the people'

The democratic leader draws his strength from his ability to combine belonging to the people with a sense of statehood. The populist leader, on the other hand, is convinced that he is that people and therefore does not have to listen to them: it is …

Rosy Bindi

Rosy BindiEx ministra, presidente Commissione antimafia nella XVII legislatura

Civil society groups start a civic monitoring on the Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics

Civil society groups start a civic monitoring on the Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics

The Milan-Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games will cost EUR 5.72 billion. But it is a low estimate, as there is a lack of transparency on works and infrastructure. 20 associations launch 'Open Olympics 2026' civic monitoring campaign

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Palermo (Italy), 16 january 2023. The carabinieri arrest Matteo Messina Denaro

Matteo Messina Denaro, the young Sibillo and others: crime bosses and the use of social networks

While Matteo Messina Denaro was on the run, he had created profiles on Instagram and Facebook using the fake name "Francesco Averna". He used social networks to keep up to date with what was happening around him. It demonstrates that today criminal …

Rosita Rijtano

Rosita RijtanoGiornalista

Karsten Würth (Unsplash)

Climate and environment, big absentees in the election campaign

A new report by the Pavia Observatory for Greenpeace Italy reveals that climate crisis and environmental issues remain excluded from the political debate ahead of the European elections. In the face of the emergency, the government does not apply …

Giada Zanarini

Giada ZanariniStagista

Brussel, 23 may 2023. The Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni meets the press after the Council of Europe (governo.it)

Freedom of the press is increasingly threatened in Italy

Our country is losing positions in Reporters Without Borders' ranking on freedom of information. The interference on RAI, the 'gag law', and intimidating lawsuits against journalists, on which Italy ranks first in Europe, weigh heavily. "Ever closer …

Paolo Valenti

Paolo ValentiRedattore lavialibera

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Ogni terza domenica del mese, CapoMondi, la rassegna stampa estera a cura di Libera Internazionale