English articles

Florence, 17 March 2023. Mayor Dario Nardella washes the paint thrown by the Ultima Generation activists on Palazzo Vecchio (Photo Press Office of the Municipality of Florence)

In Italy politicians want to punish environmentalists with disproportionate sentences

Two parliamentary proposals provide for prison sentences for those who deface works of art, monuments or public buildings. By the promoters' own admission, the aim is to directly target climate activists such as those of the Last Generation

Andrea Oleandri

Andrea OleandriResponsabile comunicazione di Antigone

The Nigerian activist Nnimmo Bassey (Flickr - Natur og Ungdom - CC BY-ND 2.0)

In Nigeria, Europe looks for oil and doesn't care about the environment

The oil company Shell has been taken to court by some local communities for damages caused by underground exploration. After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, European states are starved for fossil fuels, and Africa is the land to exploit. An …

Natalie Sclippa

Natalie SclippaRedattrice lavialibera

Young activists from the Libera association participate in a demonstration in memory of the migrants who died in the Cutro shipwreck

With its new law, the government of Giorgia Meloni will create a new army of irregular migrants, associations say

The government of Giorgia Meloni has made a decree that aims to prevent and combat illegal immigration but will create a new army of irregular immigrants by limiting special protection. Here's everything you need to know

Rosita Rijtano

Rosita RijtanoGiornalista

Palermo, December 2000. The court during the United Nations summit (Ansa)

A convention against transnational crime

Palermo had lived through difficult years, marked by a bloody Mafia war. The decision to hold the UNTOC Convention signing ceremony in Sicily's largest city offered an opportunity to clean up the city's image in the eyes of the world

Marco Panzarella

Marco PanzarellaRedattore lavialibera

12 December 2000. From left, the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations, Pino Arlacchi, the Secretary General Kofi Annan, the Mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando and Mrs. Nene Annan at the conference on transnational crime (Ansa)

The fight against transnational organized crime, an urgent matter

The United Nations Convention introduced in Palermo in 2000 marked a change of strategy in the fight against organized crime as it contained provisions to homogenize the worldwide repression of Mafia-type crimes

Marco Panzarella

Marco PanzarellaRedattore lavialibera

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Ogni prima domenica del mese un approfondimento speciale, per saperne di più e stupire gli amici al bar

Ogni terza domenica del mese, CapoMondi, la rassegna stampa estera a cura di Libera Internazionale